Bert Ramsay, PE, President
Robert A. “Bert” Ramsay founded Involve, LLC in 2013 and serves as the President. He has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from Vanderbilt University and a Master of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida. He also completed the Advanced Management Program at Duke University. Bert is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Florida and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Prior to establishing Involve, Bert served as Executive Vice President, Project Time & Cost. He supervised teams in winning/delivering facility, construction, program/project management, cost engineering, and scheduling services to a wide variety of federal clients, including USACE, DOE, VA, DOS, and DHS. Prior to PT&C, Bert served as Vice President, Federal Programs for Tetra Tech EC, Inc. where he led/performed strategy development, RFP/opportunity analysis, teaming and bid-no bid decisions, proposal development for a $400M construction/remediation program.
In 2006, Bert completed 26 years of Navy service as a Navy Civil Engineer Corps Captain, a Level III Contracting Officer, with a Top Secret clearance. Significant tours of duty include:
Vice Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic, Norfolk, VA: Responsible for day-to-day operations/programs of NAVFAC Atlantic. Supervised GS-15 executives/ senior Navy officers in executing design, construction, public works, planning/asset management, environmental services, real estate, and support functions, with special emphasis on contracting/acquisition services.
Commanding Officer, Amphibious Construction Battalion TWO, Norfolk, VA: Led 1000 Seabees providing ship-to-shore movement of equipment, cargo, fuel and water. Responsible for all Atlantic Fleet lighterage, 380 pieces of construction equipment, the Navy’s only expeditionary pier, and expeditionary support camp. Major deployments to Spain, Honduras, and Kuwait.
Regional Facilities Planning/Operations Officer, PWC/Regional Engineer, Norfolk, VA: Directed 120 military/civilian planners and facility managers, and five Public Works Offices providing facilities planning/public works services for the entire Hampton Roads Navy complex.
Public Works Officer, Norfolk Naval Shipyard/Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, VA: Led a 377-person workforce, providing public work services to the Navy’s largest shipyard and one of its largest medical centers. Provided direction and oversight to the construction office/ facilities services contract office.
Commanding Officer, Presidential Retreat, Camp David, Thurmont, MD: Directed operations of the Presidential Retreat. Responsible for Camp David operations, facilities, security, and procedures. Closely coordinated with Presidential Support Units, including the U.S. Secret Service, Presidential Helicopter Squadron, White House Medical Office, and White House staff.
Director of Acquisition/Contracting, Public Works Center, Norfolk, VA: Responsible for all facilities support contracts and minor construction contracts for five major military installations. Included all phases of contact administration/execution, from acquisition planning, to contract development, solicitation, proposal analysis, award, work execution and modification negotiations.
Construction Manager, Naval Station Mobile, AL: Day-to-day construction management for the facilities construction, site work and utilities to develop a 200-acre dredge spoil site into NAVSTA Mobile. Developed planning, maintenance operations, facilities support contracts to support the new facilities and base operations.