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Acquisition/Contract Services

Acquisition Support/Maintenance and Operations Plan Development

City of Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach, VA


Involve’s Role

Maintenance and Operations/Acquisition Consultant (sub-consultant to HBA Architecture and Interior Design)


Award Date

November 2019


Completion Date

July 2020


Project Description

Selected by the City of Virginia Beach to develop an Operations and Maintenance Plan for the City’s new 285,00 SF Virginia Beach Sports Center.  Involve worked closely with all the City stakeholders and with the “Manager” of the facility, ESM VBSC, LLC (owned by Eastern Sports Management), which has a long-term agreement with the City of Virginia Beach to operate the VBSC. 


​Involve developed a detailed O&M document which included requirements, specifications and guidance which were included in the final ESM VBSC management agreement.  

The O&M document was developed, in partnership with the City and the Manager, to ensure quantities, quality and frequencies of maintenance & repair, custodial, debris removal, elevator certification, pest control, and warranty management services and documentation and oversight were well defined and could be executed by the Manager. 


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Facilities Support Contracts (FSC) Performance Work Statement

and Independent Government Estimate

Development Training

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic

Norfolk, VA


Involve’s Role

Acquisition Consultant (Prime Contractor with NAVFAC Atlantic)


Award Date

September 2017


Completion Date

September 2018


Project Description

Identified by NAVFAC Atlantic as a subject matter expert, Involve was contracted to develop Performance Work Statement (PWS) and Independent Government Estimate (IGE) training courses for the NAVFAC Atlantic FSC Product Line (PL)


Working collaboratively with NAVFAC Atlantic, NAVFAC Headquarters and other NAVFAC FSC SMEs, Involve will develop instructor-led, on-line Process Driven Training (PDT) and an on-line classroom workshop for both PWS and IGE development. This includes developing user guides, the instructional content, and presenting the draft training courses. The training will be geared toward both new and experienced participants and be applicable for single function FSC’s as well as Base Operating Support (BOS) contracts (BOS).  Involve will also update the FSC PL Community Management Plan for Specification Writers.


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Acquisition Support/RFP Development

City of Virginia Beach

Waller Todd & Sadler (Housing Resource Center Designer of Record)

Virginia Beach, VA


Involve’s Role

Acquisition Consultant (sub-consultant to Waller, Todd & Sadler)


Award Date

September 2017


Completion Date

November 2017


Project Description

Selected by the City of Virginia Beach to develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the management and operation of the City’s new, three-story, 63,500 SF, Housing Resource Center (HRC).  Working closely with the City stakeholders, Involve developed a best-value, performance based approach to support a one-of-a-kind facility, offering a unique mix of services. 


The HRC includes day support, temporary apartments, food services, medical services and counseling areas for homeless individual and families.  Additionally over 50 City employees will work on the 3rd floor of the HRC. Involve’s RFP included a wide variety of services including:


  • Management support to City housing service providers

  • Facility maintenance and repair

  • Security and access control

  • Custodial services

  • Dining services

  • Pest control


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Acquisition Services/Specification Development

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Building Operations, Maintenance, and Repair (BOMR) Support

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District

Washington, DC


Involve’s Role

Project Manager

(Sub-contractor for HDR)


Award Date

May 2013


Completion Date

October 2013


Project Description

Provided senior level project management services to develop facilities service contracts for over 100 Land Ports of Entry (LPOEs). Led a team of facility professionals, focused on delivering best-value contracts for maintenance and repair, snow/ice control, custodial, grounds maintenance, waste management and pest management services in support of our agents serving on the Canadian and Mexican borders.   


Brought a thorough knowledge of acquisition requirements, quality control/assurance methods, maintenance and repair requirements and pricing strategies and cost drivers.  Brought in key subcontractor to provide on-site services in Washington, DC – providing direct day-today staffing support to CBP.


Ensured the most effective and cost-effective performance from the project management/contract development team and developed the most effective and cost-effective contracts for CBP.

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